Selasa, 24 Juni 2014



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Tempong is one of traditional games from Bengkayang, West Borneo. through the game the children imitate adult people activity. tempong taken from dayak iban language, it has mean kick. this game usually played by children and constitute imitate of adult's activity or tradition of ibanic, tthose are ''mengayau''. tempong also called ''the game of kayo's children that competite to kick the skull of their enemy''. before start to play this game we need the players, equipments, and place. the players of this game are not limited even consist hundreds players. they are people who hide to wait enemy's arrival. but, not limited players become 56 players, where 5 as panempong who have to find the place to hide and prepare themselves to fight. one persone became pengate who has to take care of tempong. long long ago, the place to play this game is in front of botang or the yard of ibanic, but now the place is in the yard. nowadays people played Tempong as a contest or performers on traditional event and placen indoor.
 To play this game is all of the players gather to choose who become referee during the game. Then all of the players make an agree to chose one person became tempong or pengate. Before start the game,prayer lead to ask bless to the god/jubata to start this game. The game start with blench the pengate with an equipment called satutut. Pengate's aeyes must close in order can't see other players who will hide. Then other players called panempong have to find their hideout as soon as possible, and the music start to play to make the players more feel spirit. The music instrument came from traditional musical instrument and played during the game. After that pengate open his/her satutut and try to find out panempong, if pengate knowing the panempong's hideout, so pengate must call panempong's name and then run to kick the panempong. And here is the battle between pengate and panempong  was began. They will try to kick first, if panempong can kick the pengate first will get poin 10. but, if the pengate can kick the panempong first the panempong stated die and can't continue the game and also can't get poin. Then, after panempong die, pengate have to continue his/her job to find other panempongs. This job do continuely till each panempongs reach the highest point.The benefits of this game are train the patientness, train thorough, and teach about competition and sportivity.

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