Minggu, 22 Juni 2014


By : Indah Pratiwi


    Tangkreb is a Betawi traditional game, often found in North Jakarta. Tangkrep means telungkup. The game usually has 7-10 people. The equipment used is stick pieces and sand. In South Jakarta, this game is called rurub.  
   When played, a piece of land that is not too big is. The land is usually loose or contains sand: Because in this game, mounds were built to hide the stick pieces inside by slipping them in. In this game, there are two forms of mounds: The first type is elongated to a length of five palms and its height at 1-2 cm. The second type is five mounds shaped like volcanic cones. The players will choose one of the types.    
   Before playing, a draw is held between 2 people to ssearch  the first guesser and the opponent is assigned to hide the stick piece in the sand/land mound as carefully as possible. The winner of the draw usually guesses first and the loser will hide the stick piece. However, among themselves, they can choose who wants to guess or hide the stick piece first.

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