Selasa, 01 April 2014


by:Siti Msrifah

   This picture taken from:ttps://

 Patil Lele is one of traditional games in indonesia. In east of java it called patil lele,in central of java it called benthik.This games usually played by children at elementary school in the field or in the yard.To play this game,needed concetration and strength of physic especially our hands. This game is to play by team.Before we start to play this game we must prepare the tool and divide the players in groups. The tool of this game are two.One stick about 40 centimeters(called induk) to hit and one again about 6-7centimeters(called anak),also make a hole in the land with diameter about 10cm.And then decide which group is lost.The lost group is be on duty and the winner is playing.                
  The first step is,when the stick(anak) placed over the hole, which is then gouged from the bottom of the stem as far as possible by one of the players of the winning team. After the (anak) gouged (induk) should be placed in the hole in the transverse position. All players who try to catch (anak) if successful then the player who had been gouged considered a failure. If there is no player who caught the case should throw (anak) in the direction of the hole and had the (induk).If gouged (induk) the player is fail,but if don't gouged (induk) the player is not fail and can go to the next level.The second step is,(anak) is setting with pierce and skew position in the hole,and then the peak of (anak) hitted with (induk) until thrown upstair and hit it as far as posible. If can't hit the player is failed. That's happen continually.

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