Senin, 24 Maret 2014


By Mely Azini Prastika

source :
        Bentengan is one of traditional game that very unique, because be sides its very simple game to play, this game is also very fun game. This game is also called Rerebonan in west java. The purpose of this game is to attack the each fort, and Each team determines the fortress, can be a tree, pole, or wall. They tried charming members of the opposing team in order to seize the fortress opponents. The game begins with one of the members out of the fort, then the opposing team will attempt to touch the person. But first the team members can be directly attacked by trying to touch the players who came out so did the opposing team. To avoid being touched, they can go back to the each fort. And to be the winner one of members in a group has to touched your enemy's fort.
       The lesson and benefit from this game are first, we can express ourself through play this game, ability to arrange a strategy, and build a good relationship for each members as a team. second, cause we have to run fast when we play this game, so our body will be health and fresh. Eventually.. we can conserve inheritance nations, even we can get many profit from this game as one of our legacy from old generations former.

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