Selasa, 24 Juni 2014



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  Meriam Bamboo is very popular traditional among us, especially in Ramadhan or Ied. Meriam Bambu is a traditional game from malay people and almost throughout the country. In some regions this game called bedil bambu, mercon bumbung, long bumbung and so on. This game usually played by children and teenagers. But, for safety this game played by adult people. Meriam bambu often playd in the ramadhan and ied especially in the evening, and some of malay people played this game on religious day and custom events like wedding and so on. And the place to played this game is usually in the yard of mosque or meriam bambu placed in a row of river, or other places that far away from people like field, field, and so on.
   To make meriam bambu is very simple and easy. We just need an old bamboo in order strong the explosion. To make meriam bambu are prepare bamboo first and cut with long as you want, but usually about 1,5 until 2 meters or 3 until 4 segment, and the diameter about 4 inch. Then the surface of bamboo have to perforated with crowbar. After finished it, so the meriam bamboo is ready to use. The fuel for this meriam bamboo is kerosene or carbide that mixed with water. The way to ring the meriam is castings the kerosene or carbide into ignition hole. Then a piece of wood that have been convolutioning with cloth dipped inte kerosene and burn it, and it become means of ignition. Although consist of dangerous risks but this game also consist good value in malay culture, such as interpret festivities, an act of gratitude and joy, preserve the tradition, exercise creativity, and exercise the brave.



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Tempong is one of traditional games from Bengkayang, West Borneo. through the game the children imitate adult people activity. tempong taken from dayak iban language, it has mean kick. this game usually played by children and constitute imitate of adult's activity or tradition of ibanic, tthose are ''mengayau''. tempong also called ''the game of kayo's children that competite to kick the skull of their enemy''. before start to play this game we need the players, equipments, and place. the players of this game are not limited even consist hundreds players. they are people who hide to wait enemy's arrival. but, not limited players become 56 players, where 5 as panempong who have to find the place to hide and prepare themselves to fight. one persone became pengate who has to take care of tempong. long long ago, the place to play this game is in front of botang or the yard of ibanic, but now the place is in the yard. nowadays people played Tempong as a contest or performers on traditional event and placen indoor.
 To play this game is all of the players gather to choose who become referee during the game. Then all of the players make an agree to chose one person became tempong or pengate. Before start the game,prayer lead to ask bless to the god/jubata to start this game. The game start with blench the pengate with an equipment called satutut. Pengate's aeyes must close in order can't see other players who will hide. Then other players called panempong have to find their hideout as soon as possible, and the music start to play to make the players more feel spirit. The music instrument came from traditional musical instrument and played during the game. After that pengate open his/her satutut and try to find out panempong, if pengate knowing the panempong's hideout, so pengate must call panempong's name and then run to kick the panempong. And here is the battle between pengate and panempong  was began. They will try to kick first, if panempong can kick the pengate first will get poin 10. but, if the pengate can kick the panempong first the panempong stated die and can't continue the game and also can't get poin. Then, after panempong die, pengate have to continue his/her job to find other panempongs. This job do continuely till each panempongs reach the highest point.The benefits of this game are train the patientness, train thorough, and teach about competition and sportivity.

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014


By : Indah Pratiwi
Canned is a game that comes from Bali. The game is usually played by two people aged 9-12 years and both men and women. In the past this game using round bamboo pieces that can be placed in a standing position, then more often with canned milk or biscuits. As the stakes tool that seeds melinjo put up bamboo pit or canned milk. Usually played during the day on the home page and does not depend on the season melinjo fruit, because in the Condet almost every home there melinjo tree.
The origin of this game is not known with certainty, but since the first game is spread in an area of ​​Jakarta, only tarohannya different tools depending on the local environment. The game is popular among children Betawi then gradually disappear or regress during the Japanese occupation. Begin to reappear after the independence era and even today the kids still love to play the game canned, although not as popular and as vibrant at that time, because of being pressured by the types and forms of new games that are more suitable and attractive. 


By : Indah Pratiwi

    Tangkreb is a Betawi traditional game, often found in North Jakarta. Tangkrep means telungkup. The game usually has 7-10 people. The equipment used is stick pieces and sand. In South Jakarta, this game is called rurub.  
   When played, a piece of land that is not too big is. The land is usually loose or contains sand: Because in this game, mounds were built to hide the stick pieces inside by slipping them in. In this game, there are two forms of mounds: The first type is elongated to a length of five palms and its height at 1-2 cm. The second type is five mounds shaped like volcanic cones. The players will choose one of the types.    
   Before playing, a draw is held between 2 people to ssearch  the first guesser and the opponent is assigned to hide the stick piece in the sand/land mound as carefully as possible. The winner of the draw usually guesses first and the loser will hide the stick piece. However, among themselves, they can choose who wants to guess or hide the stick piece first.

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014


By : Indah Pratiwi

  Boys tend to like toy cars as a game. Well, this time I will explain the traditional game toy cars are very creative and practical.
  These cars are made from orange peel that even we often consider our garbage and waste away. The orange peel can be cut using a knife and was formed in accordance with what we want. as the frame of the car, we could take advantage of wood or twigs that have been cleaned. Unntuk tires, we can use rubber sandals that are not used. we can cut the sandals become round like a tire and spinning.
Cool isn't it?


By : Indah Pratiwi
Rumah-rumahan is the game lands is derived from Java. The game is generally favored daughters. Because this game including a game that does not move much. But there is also ank man who likes to play it.
The game is usually performed only place where the soil can be formed easily. Usually they form the playhouse using the index finger and middle finger. Home form depending on the desires of each. Usually the kids will be competing to make the home beautiful with flowers given or whatever they want.


By : Indah Pratiwi
 Margala is a traditional game which originated from northern Sumatra, precisely around Lake Toba. This game is also one of the traditional sports merupkan the hobo who need a tangle of strong cooperation and cohesiveness. But unfortunately this time the game is rarely done anymore. general Margala game, can be played by both men and women. This game is a game that uses a foot dexterity. The number of players is not limited to just adapted to the conditions of squares. The equipment used in this game are:
1. A field that is flat and clean
2. Chalk to draw lines and boxes playground. How the game is the player who wins when the suit will be led by the head of his team stormed to enter the line. Each line guarded by a child and trying to hit an invader who tried to enter the line. Linesman should not be out of line, in the middle there is a line called the line of longitudinal gala, gala linesman can run along these lines. If a player can skip a line, he shouted Cabur. If one can be beaten by the linesman linesman player's turn initially be invaders. When one of the team can get out invaders of all stripes then he would sign despite members among his friends who are still in the box they were all allowed to leave the line without being hit.