Senin, 24 Maret 2014


By Mely Azini Prastika

source :
        Bentengan is one of traditional game that very unique, because be sides its very simple game to play, this game is also very fun game. This game is also called Rerebonan in west java. The purpose of this game is to attack the each fort, and Each team determines the fortress, can be a tree, pole, or wall. They tried charming members of the opposing team in order to seize the fortress opponents. The game begins with one of the members out of the fort, then the opposing team will attempt to touch the person. But first the team members can be directly attacked by trying to touch the players who came out so did the opposing team. To avoid being touched, they can go back to the each fort. And to be the winner one of members in a group has to touched your enemy's fort.
       The lesson and benefit from this game are first, we can express ourself through play this game, ability to arrange a strategy, and build a good relationship for each members as a team. second, cause we have to run fast when we play this game, so our body will be health and fresh. Eventually.. we can conserve inheritance nations, even we can get many profit from this game as one of our legacy from old generations former.

Gobak Sodor (Galah Asin)

By Mely Azini Prastika

source :
       This game called Gobak sodor or Galah asin, it is one of traditional game that popular in Indonesia. This game is a game that played by two groups and then for each group must be consist of 3-5 members. The game is usually played on the badminton court with size 9x4 m devided into 6 part, we can make the track by using chalk. Every members in a goup that gets their turn to keep this field devided into two, namely the members of the group who keep the line horizontal and vertical lines . For group members who have a duty to keep the horizontal boundary lines , then they will try to block their opponents are also trying to pass a specified boundary as a free boundary . For group members who have a duty to keep the vertical lines ( usually only one person ) , then this person has access to the entire vertical lines are located in the middle of the field . This game is very exciting and very difficult because everyone should always be on guard and running as soon as possible if necessary to achieve victory .
       Gobak sodor is the traditional game which have many good impacts for our life, because this game teach us about teamwork and friendship. Because as a team we have to work together, and solidarity is the most important in this game, not only for personality factor, but also good for healthy. And then with played this game we can build trust for each others as a members in a group. Finally this game is a traditional game that very good for the next generations of Indonesia because this game gives many good impacts for us .

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Engklek (Hopscotch)

By Mely Azini Prastika

        This picture taken from sepakat 2 street Pontianak, when I throught Block O I saw several children played this games, and I very interested, so I took this picture. this is one of traditional games in Indonesia, and in the fact, this games stiil there in Pontianak, we know that very difficult for us as a modern generations to find any children that played this games. this games called engklek-engklek or sondah, to play this games, we need to prepare the track, we can make the track on the ground, or use chalk and carpet. and we also need a piece of flat stone or porcelain that we called kereweng or gacuk.
        well.. now, how to play this game,? I will tell you the way to play this game. first we have to throw the stone to the first square, after that we need to start by jumping on the second square with one leg swath around the square there, and then go back. Then we can throw the stone to another square, and that will continue like that, but we must remember that when we throw the stone outside the square, so we will disqualified. and then another player will get their turn, player that can completed the first round of kereweng throwing his with way back to the track, if it fits in the desired the square, the square will be " a field", meaning that the players concerned the square and the player can step the square with two legs, and  whoever that get much field, so will be the winner of the game. from this games, we can learn many things, not only fun, this games can create a stronger friendship, and ofcourse this game is a one of inheritage from our grandparent and we have to conserve it for new indonesian generations.

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

By:Siti Musrifah
this picture taken from


  Balap karung is one of popular games in independence day. this game is played in a large area like a field. some people,sometimes 4 until 6 people must insert their body into the sack. after that they jump to competeting to be a first person that reach the finish line.the first person that reach the finish line is the winner.usually this game is played by children,but not infrequently adult and old people also played this games.
   Although there's critism said that this game is very not useful game,but until now there are many people play this game,especially on 17 agustus.this game give us benefits,such as gross motoric coach,train the spry,teach aboul social skill,competition and built our sportifity. so, as young generation,save our balap karung.



By : Indah Pratiwi


     Congklak is one of tradisional games in Indonesia. It is known by various names troughout Indonesia. In Java, this game is  known by the name congklak, dakon, dhakon or dhakonan. In some areas in Sumatra Malay culturally, this game is known as supercilious. In Lampung, this game is known as the boom slowly, while in Sulawesi this game known by several names: Mokaotan, Maggaleceng, Aggalacang and Nogarata.
    This game usually uses congklak seeds, and if there is not, sometimes also uses grains of plants, the shell coral or even a small stone. This game do by two people uses a board named congklak board. one of them started to fill each hole with a set of stones that have been taken without the previous hole, when the seed is up, then turn to the other person. one of the holes used to be the size of the win or defeat in the final game. The winner is who gets the highest seed.

By:Siti Musrifah                      
this picture taken from


   petak umpet(hide and seek) is a traditional game that played by two people or more. it's better if the player is more than two people. mostly childreen in elementary school like to play this game.the benefit from this game is make children's physic more strong and agile.sometimes the children play this game in the afternoon or when they take a rest from their class.
   Petak umpet became popular from 70 to 80 play this game must there is one person to be a cat. the cat must closed his eyes and face to a tree,wall and so on. he must calculating from 1 to 10 or until his friends have hidden.after that he must find out his friends. if he found his friend he must call his friend's name and touch the tree or wall that he faced when he closed his eyes. if he just call the name without touch the tree or the tree have touch by another friends that he's finding yet,that means he is lose out.and who is the next cat for this game? the next cat is a first person that he has found.


Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

hello friends...
welcome to our blog.....
we are going to share about some of tradition and history that still there in Indonesia, especially about Traditional Games. Traditional games are some of tradition and heritages from our grandfather. And we must maintain and preserve. We know that nowadays many children more prefers to video game in their computer, I-pad and so on. Moreover, they forgot and never want to know about the traditional games anymore. So, we want to introduce the traditional games in our blog, in order the young generation know about it.
so here they are several kind of traditional games in Indonesia....
we hope you interested and happy reading.....