Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014


By : Indah Pratiwi

   Hi friends, meet again with me. This time I will discuss one of the popular Indonesian traditional games.
    Gateng is a game using small stones of five or six pieces. These games are usually favored by girls. Playing a variety of ways, different in each region, but in essence the same. Some players will do hompimpa first to determine who will play first and the next.
    How to playing this game is all the stones on the handheld, then one of the stones thrown and caught again, while the stone is in the hands placed on the floor. If the rocks are thrown down, it means the death of the player and the other players who will play next and so on until a specified time. Who completes the most sets wins that.


By Mely Azini Prastika
Peresean is the traditional game that most popular in Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. This game seems look like martial games that consist of two players as a opponent. Peresean is usually played by teenagers and also adult, and this game is only performed by men. The number of players in this game isn't limited, as long as the fight is done by mens one-on-one. And the players of this game called "Pepadu". In this game there are two ways to choose their own opponent or called Pepadu, the first one is Pepadu that has been in arena of the game is challenging one of the audience to battle. and the second one is the committe of the competition select the Pepadu candidates from the audience in attendence. and the man that have the duty as a "handyman contest" called "Pengadok".
There are two equipment that the player need to have in this game, the first thing is (a bat like Cemeti made of rottan or braid about 50 centimeters), and the second one is (a shield or ende made of cowhide or buffalo as a protectors and repellent from the attacks of the opponent.
The rules of Peresean game called "awig-awig" first using the system rounds three to five round in a game, and start with the blowing of whistles by Pekembar. Second the Pepadu or the player only be hitting the upper body of the opponent (such as, head, shoulders, back), and banned to hit the bottom of the body of the opponent. Third using a system of values ​​given by Sedi Pekembar when both Pepadu can still survive and are not bleed until the last round. However, if one has to bleed due Pepadu cane slashes the opponent, then he is declared lost and the fight was immediately stopped. While his opponent won. 
Peresean has a good value to our life, because from this game we can learn about dexterity and dicipline.

reference :

Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Sungket Lidek

By Mely Azini Prastika

Sungket lidek is one of the traditional game in Indonesia that derived from Dayak Tribe Mualang in West Kalimantan exactly at Sekadau, Sintang regency . This game as a symbolize of their culture, and their custom. Usually this game is consist of two people, but more players are better and it can be more exciting. The first thing that we have to do when we are going to play this game is we have to prepared the sticks, here we called it "Lidek" the word "lidek" is taken from Malayu laguange. And the second is we have to remember the rule of this game, that's where the rod sticks or lidek spread and they difficult to separate one to another, but the players have to take the sticks (Lidek) one by one carefully, so the others sticks will not be untidy. If the players can take all the sticks is very well without making another sticks mess or dropping her own sticks to others, so that player will come up as the winner. But if the player drop his sticks into the others stick, so that sticks becoming untidy, that means that player is failed, and the other player will replace his or her position to take the rod sticks (Lidek), to become the winner in this game one of the player must to be able to play well untill all the makeup sticks(lidek) can remove it from the piles of sticks (lidek) without making untidy and dropping the sticks ( lidek) others.
Really simply game.... and that must be fun.....

Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Cublak-Cublak Suweng

By Mely Azini Prastika

 Cublak-cublak suweng is the one of traditional game derived of Java. This game is favored by children, they love to play together and cublak-cublak suweng is the game that very fun to play. How to play this game? first we have to prepared the small stone or anything with the small size to become a tool that can deliver from someone to another, and the second is someone that become a place to another person put their palm on the back of his or her body. Usually this game is consist of five or six children, it can be more depend on their want and the situation, then if they already have someone who elected, so she or he that elected has to prone. And they started to remove the small stone from palm to palm one to another. That was they done on the back of the body of their friend, and they sing a song while they playing cublak-cublak suweng. That song is like this :
cublak suweng suwengira,
sigelenter mambu ketundhung mundhing,
empak empong lira-liru,
iyeku swasananta,
mlebu metu ingaran lira-liru,
ing suwung kang mengku ana,
mungguh sajroning ngaurip
(Sunan Kalijaga)
And after the song is over, they already put the small stone in the one of their friend's hand, then the one that prone has to guess who one that has the stone in their hand, if the guess is exactly sucsessed, so his or her position will replace by another person. 
Really fun game to play, and I was playing this game when I was a chlid. that was wonderfull....!!

reference :

Ular Naga

By : Indah Pratiwi

      Dragon Snake game is one of the traditional game in Indonesia, which is highly favored by children . The game is not limited in number . In this game, children lined up lengthwise like a snake backward and holding on to the waist in front of her friends .
     A child is determined to line up at the front as the  head of the snake . In addition there are two children who act as " gate " or entrance to stand facing each other and holding hands above the head to give way to the dragon that will pass while singing a song . Parent and the other child behind will continue to sing as he entered into the gate and stop when the song is finished .
When the song finished , the child up the rear will be " captured " by the " gate " ,
After that , the " parent " ( with all the lineup members lined up behind him ) will dialogue and dispute - rebuttal to the second " gate " about his son who was arrested ,
In the end , sianak captured given the choice to be placed behind one of the " gates " ,
The game continues until the " parent " a child running out and the game is finished ,

Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

Sepak Sawut

By Mely Azini Prastika


Sepak sawut is one of traditional game in Indonesia derived from Central Kalimantan. Once upon a time, this game is series of traditional ritual, played during the opening of shifting cultivation / while waiting for the corpse (for Kaharingan people). But nowadays, people played this game as a routine activities when the people in Central Kalimantan celebrate the birthday of their regency or province.
Actually when we look at how to play this game and the tools of this game is really terrible, because this game played with fireball, to play this game we need to have a group that consist of eleven people, and the other group as a opponent. This game actually is the same when we played football, but the differentiate there is at the ball, Sepak Sawut used fireball. Usually the ball made by the chunks of old coconut belt that has been dried by first chunk of the water is removed and soaked using kerosene. The goal that the oil soak into the fibers of the coconut balls. And better when we played this game at night. This game also as a reflection of characteristics of indonesian people, especially people in Central Kalimantan love to work together, so this game has a good value. even though this game rare we met in Kalimantan any more, at least we know that Sepak Sawut is one of traditional game in Indonesia and we have to save it. Because this game is the part of our culture.

Rabu, 21 Mei 2014


BY:Siti Musrifah

this picture taken from:


Pindah Bintang is a traditional game from East Borneo. This game might play by all people,but usually played by children about 6-14 years old, and consist 5,6,or 7 players. All of players must do hompimpa to find the loser. Then, find the place to play the game,usually they play at verandah and yard. If they want to play inside, they must find pillars or other items to be footing, or draw a circle to change the pillars if they want to play outside. The total of pillars must less than one players. It means there is one person who haven't pillar. The loser allow to push another player up in order to find her/his pillar. It means that this game is about scrambling and moving place.


By:Siti Musrifah
this picture tahen from:,d.c2E&psig=AFQjCNHj1VoI6x70rtu0m8eWwdFxAb2NwQ&ust=1400749531450701

Colek Nadi is a traditional game from Bali,usually played by 3 children or more. In this game will there is a person to be ''nadi'' whos assigned to chase and poke his/her rival in order can free from punishment in the end of the game. If she/he can catch another friend, autimatically the ''nadi'' will be change. Before the game begin, the players must choose who will be ''nadi'' by hompimpa. This game have a rule, if the player chased by ''nadi'' entering a circle called home,so, ''nadi'' can't poke him/her. But, not all players allow to enter the home. Home's circle might use tree or circle that can put wherever provided still in the game area. The players who follow this game didn't allow to surpass the area. If she/he do it, she/he will become ''nadi''.


By:Siti Musrifah

Renting, Permainan Sehat Anak Pantai
This picture taken from:

  Renting is a traditional game from legung,sumenep,Madura. This game played by 5 children or more. First, the children must make mini holahop from banana's stem and then make four ropes from banana's stem too and then pull into four directions. Before that, one child choosen to stay in holahop's circle and the other children hold each ropes that tied to holahop. The child whos in the holahop's circle will pull one of ropes in order she/he can catch rope holder. If she/he success to catch it, so the rope holder will enter the holahop and changing his/her position. But, if the rope is broken off the child who stay in holahop's circle can come out and catch up the rope holder. This game usually played at the beach.


By:Siti Musrifah

Permainan "Meong Meong" yang biasa dimainkan anak-anak.
This picture taken from:

meong-meongan is a traditional game from Bali and usually played by children and accompanied with meong-meongan's song.This game describe about cat's effort or in Bali language called ''meng'' to catch the mouse or ''bikul''. In this game usually played by 8 people or more,which one of them act like mouse(bikul), and one again as mouse(meng), and the other players must protect bikul from meng with made a circle and then bikul stay in that circle.Meng will try to enter the circle and catch bikul. The children that made a circle also try to block meng in order can't enter the circle. Meng will allow to catch bikul when the song was ended in lyric ''juk-juk meng juk-juk kul''.

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014


By:Siti Musrifah
his picture taken from:

Maraga is a traditional game from bugis,south sulawesi. This game is likes football.To play this game we need field,a ball made from knitted rattan with diameter 15cm,traditional uniform,and traditional music instrument to accompany this game.This game usually played by boys about 5-15 people.The players must wear the traditional uniform with headband.Whwn the ball was rebound the players don't allow to touch it and they must wait the ball come to them.The rule to play this game is likes how to play football. This game consist good value,including agility and disicpline,art and to conserve the culture.


By:Siti Musrifah
this picture taken from:,d.c2E&psig=AFQjCNGmG59xodphCJIZIMsmEZI7aY4awQ&ust=1400663673179411

Mallogo/allogo is a traditional game from bugis,south sulawesi.This game consist of education and honestness.Mallogo/allogo is from dry coconut shell made to triangle(logo),and then hitted with a split bamboo looks like a golf stick.Logo is made up from two form,they are small logo 7-8 cm, as much as 6-8,and big logo 15 cm.Small logo will be aligned sequential backward,and the function from big logo is to shoot up the small logo.This game is played by two people or more and usually played in the yard or in the side of field.To play this game is,first,the small logo aligned sequental backward with drive in one of the angle to the ground,and the distance among logo are about 10cm.The big logo must put on the hit spot.The shoot distance be regulated between players.One of the players start to hit the big logo while sit down or squat.If can make all of small logo fall,he will get score and then hit again.Otherwise,if can't the hitter will be changed.So,the game will be like that until find the winner ,and the winnwr is a player that can make much small logo fall.

Jumat, 16 Mei 2014


By : Indah Pratiwi

 Bepe a short title of the children's games apart pairs. This game is very interesting, especially for women. Besides cheap, play the game any way to make the children become creative because the game is usually also make houses using paper matches their creations. Images on paper that was varied, with the types of clothes that can be dismantled and then reassembled. This game is generally iminkan by children in elementary school.    This game is not a competition, so there is nothing to lose or win. This game is just an entertainment for children.


By : Indah Pratiwi
   Pletokan is a game that comes from Betawi. This game is called pletokan because its sound is heard like the sound of "pletok" when played. pletokan made of small bamboo along the 30 cm and a diameter of 1-1/2 cm. The bamboo formed into two. One as the bullet is stored, and the other one as the cue in order to shoot the bullet. bullets used were small pieces of paper moistened so harmless.
   The way of  pletokan game already moistened paper inserted into the bamboo, then poked and directed to the person or animal target. For often shooted will be fail.

Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Tapok Kaleng ( Petak Umpet Dengan Menggunakan Kaleng)

By Mely Azini Prastika
Tapok kaleng is one kind of tradisional game that popular and very fun to play in Indonesia. Consist of a group within a game, one of them will be a guard, and others will be attackers. Start with choosing who will be a guard in a group, it can be by Hompimpah Alaihum Gambreng or other way. And then after we have a guard, we have to get ready to play. First. I would like to tell you, the tool that we must have for this game, there are cans, and stik that made by wood, or bamboo with size around 30 cm. The way how to play this game are: a guard has to setting the cans, it can be like a tower with two or more level, or can be a straight line. And then alternately the attackers will throw the stick bamboo towards the cans utill one of them subvert the cans successfully. After the cans untidy the guard has to reconstitute that cans into the first form, and while a guard busy with setting the cans, the attackers hiding in the save place for each of them. And after that, a guard has to looking for the attackers' hide place. In tapok kaleng, someone that become a guard has to thorough. Otherwise one of the attacker will kick the cans and that will be trouble for the guard, because he or she has to reconstitute the cans and time for him to be a guard will be longer than usuall.

finally keep our culture through keep playing our tradisional game. that means we love our country.....!

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Gatrik (Tak Kadal)

By Mely Azini Prastika

Gatrik or also called tak kadal is the one of traditional game in Indonesia which camefrom sundanese people. This game consist of two group as opponent, to play Gatrik we need a large field, and also the instrument from two bamboo, the first one is measuring of 30 cm and the second one is smaller than the first one.
how to play this game ?....
first we need to put the small one between two stone or other thing that can we use to put the small piece of bamboo, so there is a space under the smaller stick, why should be like that? because we will hit the smaller stick with the big one as far as possible, and make sure we hit the smaller bamboo sucessfully, because when we failed the other group will get their turn to play until the last player in their group. After being finish then the opposing group will give the gift took the form of the sling with the standard of the distance from small bamboo that was last as far as the beginning stone of the game was begun earlier. Increasingly far, then increasingly was glad being carried and the opposing group will be increasingly tired carried. Actually Gatrik the simple game, let's tray it and it will be fun...
we love our country, so we must save our culture through the tradional game that we have..
happy playing......

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